We read in the data from a Kaggle dataset and use the closing prices for each coin. The data for each of the coins used in this research can be downloaded here link
XRP <- read_xlsx("C:/Users/mikem/OneDrive/Desktop/Crypto RMD/ALT_coins.xlsx",sheet =5)
XRP <- subset(XRP, Date > "2018-02-02")
XRP <- XRP %>% dplyr::filter(Symbol == "XRP") %>% tk_xts(select = Close, date_var = "Date")
BTC <- read_xlsx("C:/Users/mikem/OneDrive/Desktop/Crypto RMD/ALT_coins.xlsx",sheet =8)
BTC <- subset(BTC, Date > "2018-02-02")
BTC <- BTC %>% dplyr::filter(Symbol == "BTC") %>% tk_xts(select = Close, date_var = "Date")
ETH <- read_xlsx("C:/Users/mikem/OneDrive/Desktop/Crypto RMD/ALT_coins.xlsx",sheet =9)
ETH <- subset(ETH, Date > "2018-02-02")
ETH <- ETH %>% dplyr::filter(Symbol == "ETH") %>% tk_xts(select = Close, date_var = "Date")
Here we have the logged prices of Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and Ripple (XRP)
Coins1 <- cbind(log(BTC),log(ETH),log(XRP))
colnames(Coins1) <- c("lBTC","lETH","lXRP")
plot(Coins1,col=c("blue","green", "red"), main="Log prices of BTC (blue),\n ETH (green) and XRP (red)")
XRP1 <- read_xlsx("C:/Users/mikem/OneDrive/Desktop/Crypto RMD/ALT_coins.xlsx",sheet =5)
BTC1 <- read_xlsx("C:/Users/mikem/OneDrive/Desktop/Crypto RMD/ALT_coins.xlsx",sheet =8)
ETH1 <- read_xlsx("C:/Users/mikem/OneDrive/Desktop/Crypto RMD/ALT_coins.xlsx",sheet =9)
Coins <- BTC1 %>% full_join(ETH1)
Coins <- Coins %>% full_join(XRP1)
Coins <- subset(Coins, Date > "2018-02-02")
PT <- Coins %>% as_tsibble(index = Date, key = Symbol, regular = FALSE)
PTw <- PT %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = Symbol, values_from = Close) %>%
as_tsibble(index = Date) %>%
PT %>%
features(log(Close), unitroot_ndiffs) %>%
kable(format = "html", table.attr = "style='width:30%;' ") %>%
Symbol | ndiffs |
BTC | 1 |
ETH | 1 |
XRP | 1 |
PT %>%
features(log(Close), unitroot_kpss) %>%
kable(format = "html", table.attr = "style='width:30%;' ") %>%
Symbol | kpss_stat | kpss_pvalue |
BTC | 14.428784 | 0.01 |
ETH | 12.067377 | 0.01 |
XRP | 4.524104 | 0.01 |
The kpss tests confirm that the log(close) for all three coins have a unit root.If the p-value is < then significance level (0.05), then the series is non-stationary.
Now we determine how many cointegrating vectors we have. Since there
are 3 variables, we cannot use the Stock-Watson approach which only
tests for cointegration in pairs of variables. Instead, we will use the
Johansen procedure. First, we determine the number of lags in the VAR in
levels, p.coins
. Second, we use the ca.jo
function from the urca
package to determine the number of
cointegrating vectors. There can be: 0 => no cointegration; 1 =>
there is a single vector so that some linear combination of all 3 coins
is stationary; 2 => there are 2 independent linear combinations that
are stationary. This is like our term structure of interest rates
example where, for 10 rates, there are 9 cointegrating vectors and only
one source of non-stationary shocks. Notice that we cannot find 3
cointegrating vectors because that would mean that all 3 variables must
be I(0) which we have already ruled out.
p.coins <- as.integer(VARselect(Coins1,lag.max=12,type="const")$selection[2])
ca.jo.out <- ca.jo(Coins1, type = "trace", ecdet = "none", K = 2, spec = "longrun")
## ######################
## # Johansen-Procedure #
## ######################
## Test type: trace statistic , with linear trend
## Eigenvalues (lambda):
## [1] 0.0114681932 0.0065972761 0.0007884971
## Values of teststatistic and critical values of test:
## test 10pct 5pct 1pct
## r <= 2 | 1.28 6.50 8.18 11.65
## r <= 1 | 11.98 15.66 17.95 23.52
## r = 0 | 30.63 28.71 31.52 37.22
## Eigenvectors, normalised to first column:
## (These are the cointegration relations)
## lBTC.l2 lETH.l2 lXRP.l2
## lBTC.l2 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.000000
## lETH.l2 -0.8693364 0.1930266 -3.191496
## lXRP.l2 0.6023509 -2.8898902 2.095139
## Weights W:
## (This is the loading matrix)
## lBTC.l2 lETH.l2 lXRP.l2
## lBTC.d -0.002055279 0.002112410 0.0003049150
## lETH.d 0.008181954 0.002953858 0.0002471834
## lXRP.d -0.001373557 0.003965193 -0.0001871939
Our test results indicate a single cointegrating vector and 2 sources of non-stationary shocks. This seems a little odd, but we will go with it to see what we find.
vecm1.out <- VECM(Coins1,2,r=1,include="const",estim="ML",LRinclude="none")
## #############
## ###Model VECM
## #############
## Full sample size: 1619 End sample size: 1616
## Number of variables: 3 Number of estimated slope parameters 24
## AIC -32188.35 BIC -32048.27 SSR 12.29167
## Cointegrating vector (estimated by ML):
## r1 1 -0.8750973 0.6168884
## ECT Intercept lBTC -1
## Equation lBTC -0.0032(0.0036) 0.0119(0.0125) 0.0204(0.0444)
## Equation lETH 0.0065(0.0047) -0.0224(0.0165) -0.0141(0.0587)
## Equation lXRP -0.0028(0.0055) 0.0093(0.0192) -0.0346(0.0683)
## lETH -1 lXRP -1 lBTC -2
## Equation lBTC -0.0545(0.0366) -0.0209(0.0228) 0.0002(0.0444)
## Equation lETH -0.0459(0.0483) -0.0466(0.0302) -0.0521(0.0587)
## Equation lXRP -0.1006(0.0563). 0.0395(0.0351) 0.0808(0.0683)
## lETH -2 lXRP -2
## Equation lBTC 0.0771(0.0365)* -0.0361(0.0228)
## Equation lETH 0.1376(0.0483)** -0.0366(0.0302)
## Equation lXRP 0.0661(0.0561) -0.0630(0.0351).
The results are difficult to interpret. We find that BTC adjust the most, XRP the next most, and ETH does not significantly adjust. So, in this model, we find ETH to be the drunk and BTC and XRP to be the puppies.
The IRFs seem to tell a different story–BTC is reluctant to adjust to shocks in ETH or XRP, and neither BTC nor ETH respond to shocks in XRP.
irf1.coins <- irf(vecm1.out, n.ahead = 31)
These graphs demonstrate the Impulse Response Function associated with each of the coins. For all three graphs and all three coins we put each coin in their long run steady state. One at a time we take each coin and “ping” it, we push the coin one standard deviation above its steady state values. We then observe how the other coins move once the tested coin’s steady state is broken. For Bitcoin we can see that each of the other two coins rise in price once Bitcoin rises. When Ethereum is “pinged” we see that Bitcoin does not move. XRP rises in price, however, not as much as it did when Bitcoin was pinged. When XRP is pinged Bitcoin and Ethereum actually decrese in price, slightly. It seems that When Bitcoin is “the drunk” ETH and XRP are “the puppies”. When ETH is “the drunk”, BTC is another drunk and XRP is puppy. When XRP is “the drunk”, BTC and ETH are also drunks.
plot(vars::fevd(vecm1.out, n.ahead = 52))
Let’s try the case where there are two cointegrating vectors just to see what happens. The results are not wildly different so it is difficult to decide whether there should be 1 or 2 cointegrating vectors.
vecm2.out <- VECM(Coins1,2,r=2,include="const",estim="ML",LRinclude="none")
## #############
## ###Model VECM
## #############
## Full sample size: 1619 End sample size: 1616
## Number of variables: 3 Number of estimated slope parameters 27
## AIC -32191.04 BIC -32034.8 SSR 12.23921
## Cointegrating vector (estimated by ML):
## r1 1 -1.110223e-16 -2.255330
## r2 0 1.000000e+00 -3.282171
## ECT1 ECT2 Intercept
## Equation lBTC -0.0013(0.0037) 0.0031(0.0031) -0.0124(0.0166)
## Equation lETH 0.0094(0.0048). -0.0053(0.0041) -0.0587(0.0219)**
## Equation lXRP 0.0010(0.0056) 0.0029(0.0048) -0.0386(0.0255)
## lBTC -1 lETH -1 lXRP -1
## Equation lBTC 0.0178(0.0444) -0.0554(0.0365) -0.0179(0.0228)
## Equation lETH -0.0180(0.0586) -0.0473(0.0483) -0.0420(0.0302)
## Equation lXRP -0.0398(0.0681) -0.1025(0.0561). 0.0455(0.0351)
## lBTC -2 lETH -2 lXRP -2
## Equation lBTC -0.0026(0.0444) 0.0756(0.0365)* -0.0328(0.0229)
## Equation lETH -0.0563(0.0586) 0.1353(0.0482)** -0.0317(0.0302)
## Equation lXRP 0.0752(0.0681) 0.0630(0.0560) -0.0565(0.0351)
irf2.coins <- irf(vecm2.out, n.ahead = 31)
plot(vars::fevd(vecm2.out, n.ahead = 52))
We can see from both Impulse Response Function Graphs and Forecasted Error Variance Decomposition Graphs that BTC barley budges and the variation in that coin is soley caused by it’s own variation. On the other hand, ETH and XRP seem to both be affected by outside variation. For ETH over 60% of the variation in it’s forecasted price will be due to BTC’s variation in price. XRP is surprisingly affect less by BTC than ETH and the variation in XRP’s forecasted price is due partially to its own variation and not BTC or ETH.
#Import the daily coin data and set the starting dates for each coin as the same, convert the data into a time series element and combine them into one wide table based their date and close value
BNB1 <- read_xlsx("C:/Users/mikem/OneDrive/Desktop/Crypto RMD/ALT_coins.xlsx", sheet =1)
BNB1 <- subset(BNB1, Date > "2018-02-02")
BNB1 <- BNB1 %>% dplyr::filter(Symbol == "BNB") %>% tk_xts(select = Close, date_var = "Date")
ADA1 <- read_xlsx("C:/Users/mikem/OneDrive/Desktop/Crypto RMD/ALT_coins.xlsx",sheet =2)
ADA1 <- subset(ADA1, Date > "2018-02-02")
ADA1 <- ADA1 %>% dplyr::filter(Symbol == "ADA") %>% tk_xts(select = Close, date_var = "Date")
LINK1 <- read_xlsx("C:/Users/mikem/OneDrive/Desktop/Crypto RMD/ALT_coins.xlsx",sheet =3)
LINK1 <- subset(LINK1, Date > "2018-02-02")
LINK1 <- LINK1 %>% dplyr::filter(Symbol == "LINK") %>% tk_xts(select = Close, date_var = "Date")
LTC1 <- read_xlsx("C:/Users/mikem/OneDrive/Desktop/Crypto RMD/ALT_coins.xlsx",sheet =4)
LTC1 <- subset(LTC1, Date > "2018-02-02")
LTC1 <- LTC1 %>% dplyr::filter(Symbol == "LTC") %>% tk_xts(select = Close, date_var = "Date")
XRP1 <- read_xlsx("C:/Users/mikem/OneDrive/Desktop/Crypto RMD/ALT_coins.xlsx",sheet =5)
XRP1 <- subset(XRP1, Date > "2018-02-02")
XRP1 <- XRP1 %>% dplyr::filter(Symbol == "XRP") %>% tk_xts(select = Close, date_var = "Date")
XLM1 <- read_xlsx("C:/Users/mikem/OneDrive/Desktop/Crypto RMD/ALT_coins.xlsx",sheet =6)
XLM1 <- subset(XLM1, Date > "2018-02-02")
XLM1 <- XLM1 %>% dplyr::filter(Symbol == "XLM") %>% tk_xts(select = Close, date_var = "Date")
TRX1 <- read_xlsx("C:/Users/mikem/OneDrive/Desktop/Crypto RMD/ALT_coins.xlsx",sheet =7)
TRX1 <- subset(TRX1, Date > "2018-02-02")
TRX1 <- TRX1 %>% dplyr::filter(Symbol == "TRX") %>% tk_xts(select = Close, date_var = "Date")
BTC2 <- read_xlsx("C:/Users/mikem/OneDrive/Desktop/Crypto RMD/ALT_coins.xlsx",sheet =8)
BTC2 <- subset(BTC2, Date > "2018-02-02")
BTC2 <- BTC2 %>% dplyr::filter(Symbol == "BTC") %>% tk_xts(select = Close, date_var = "Date")
ETH2 <- read_xlsx("C:/Users/mikem/OneDrive/Desktop/Crypto RMD/ALT_coins.xlsx",sheet =9)
ETH2 <- subset(ETH2, Date > "2018-02-02")
ETH2 <- ETH2 %>% dplyr::filter(Symbol == "ETH") %>% tk_xts(select = Close, date_var = "Date")
Crypto2 <- cbind(log(BTC2),log(ETH2),log(XRP1),log(ADA1),log(BNB1),log(LTC1),log(TRX1),log(LINK1),log(XLM1))
colnames(Crypto2) <- c("lBTC","lETH","lXRP","lADA","lBNB","lLTC","lTRX","lLINK","lXLM")
p <- tmp$selection[2]
var.Crypto <- VAR(Crypto2, p=p, type="const")
spilloverDY12(var.Crypto, n.ahead = 100, no.corr = FALSE)
## The spillover table has no frequency bands, standard Diebold & Yilmaz.
## | | lBTC| lETH| lXRP| lADA| lBNB| lLTC| lTRX| lLINK| lXLM| FROM|
## |:-----|-----:|-----:|-----:|-----:|-----:|-----:|-----:|-----:|-----:|-----:|
## |lBTC | 21.51| 13.81| 3.46| 14.89| 9.71| 16.46| 3.99| 8.96| 7.20| 8.72|
## |lETH | 14.17| 17.25| 5.30| 17.46| 8.70| 14.32| 6.22| 8.33| 8.24| 9.19|
## |lXRP | 10.13| 10.26| 17.53| 15.21| 7.69| 11.58| 7.88| 5.20| 14.51| 9.16|
## |lADA | 10.79| 13.02| 3.93| 24.83| 9.09| 12.83| 5.20| 8.46| 11.84| 8.35|
## |lBNB | 12.84| 10.88| 3.50| 15.56| 22.48| 12.15| 7.69| 7.38| 7.52| 8.61|
## |lLTC | 12.93| 11.47| 7.35| 16.17| 7.73| 21.58| 6.46| 6.86| 9.45| 8.71|
## |lTRX | 10.42| 11.52| 7.12| 17.17| 8.64| 11.11| 18.23| 5.74| 10.04| 9.09|
## |lLINK | 11.30| 8.97| 4.10| 12.23| 7.15| 9.87| 4.39| 35.76| 6.23| 7.14|
## |lXLM | 12.50| 12.00| 7.03| 17.61| 6.05| 13.08| 6.16| 5.37| 20.21| 8.87|
## |TO | 10.57| 10.21| 4.64| 14.03| 7.19| 11.27| 5.33| 6.26| 8.34| 77.85|
The across rows represent how much ones coins variation is shared with another coins variation. For example, 14% of the variation in ETH is due to the fluctuation in price of Bitcoin. The down columns show how much one coin’s change in price causes volatility in the others. Bitcoin is a huge factor in other coins price changes. It seems to cause significant variation in all the other coins. The last cell of “To” and “From” shows how interconnected the entire variability in coin prices are. We find about 78% of variation in price for all of these coins are interconnected.